So, after attending the EdChange Global event, I reflected on one of the sessions, and quite a bit at that. It was titled, “So, you want to run and EdCamp” (the video will be shared soon). The idea that came to me upon first heading EdCamp was summer camp, where teachers came to support learners …
Author Archives: msinclair1975
A New Journey
Taking a step away from safety and security can be a very daunting prospect. The number of start-ups that managed only the first step is a testament to this. Being a leader without any followers is an equally daunting prospect. The number of people looking at you as though you have lost your mind are …
EdChange Global 18 has been wound up
Wow, wow and wow! What an amazing event built and run by an amazing group of individuals. I have never before felt so buoyed by others to stay and learn at the next event, and then the next one too. When I first heard of EdChange Global, I thought it would be an ideal place …
Edchange Global
Join me at for a celebration of Global Change in Education. Choose from a vast array of presentations – including mine, which discusses the need for building relationships before reporting on learning progress. The link to my presentation is and you can access resources to it in the previous blog post. I hope …
Developing community before writing reports
How often have you made it through the year to the parent-teacher-learner conference and are meeting a parent for the first time? I am guilty of this in the past, but think the approach in the video below has supported change in this area. I have a video as a walk through and the initial …
Continue reading “Developing community before writing reports”
Learner Expectations
I have been reading about Pisa recently, and some of the findings of the most recent maths assessment. Of note, is the difference between how some countries manage learners who are behind their peers. The most successful countries seem to follow one basic mantra: Expect no less of learners who are facing challenges to their …
Learning Through Technology
I had the privilege today, of attending an education conference focusing on technology in education. The refreshing outcomes were the almost united messages from all of the panelists and delegates that pedagogy comes first, technology is only a tool to support this. As a comparison, there are too many articles on LinedIn that claim to …
Marking Work
As a former teacher, I often spent hours marking weekly and learners’ daily efforts to check my instruction and their understanding. But, it’s one thing to mark something right or wrong, another thing to discover why something is right or wrong and a further thing to decide how to either improve, for the learner or …
Numbers or Numerals
“I can count to 10!!” Tim shouted as he ran in the front door. “Fantastic!” replied his dad. “Show me.” “1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10!” exclaimed Tim, excitedly. “Wonderful!” cheered his dad. “Now,” he said, “can you show me how much one is?” “Sure,” said Tim. And he proceeded to write …
Learning is an organic, fluid process
Learning should be fluid not compartmentalised into blocks or units that can be ticked off as they are covered. For learners to meet their potential, they should have the confidence to know: their strengths and weaknesses are acknowledged and catered for; when they face a barrier, they know that a coach will help them find …