To see the effect of taking part in a TweetMeet, click here. To find out about how I feel about the opportunity to take part in the biggest TweetMeet so far, read on…

I have been using Twitter fairly regularly for over a year, now, and thought I had a pretty good handle on promoting ideas and involving communities of learners. I do have a good handle on it but still have a bit to go to reach the mastery that the team at TweetMeet carry out oh, so naturally.

This December 17th, the team are organising almost 300 hosts to collaborate on the topic of 2019 and what was great about it for you: what did you manage to create, what did you learn that was new and where are you going next?


For me, the TweetMeet experience was definitely a highlight! Not only did it involve me in a wonderful group experience, it showed me: the way to progress in terms of planning for virtual events; how to set better milestones and expand on messages I was sending; the impact that coordinated teams can have in concentrated times.

For my next year of learning, I will be taking this forward with Connected Educator Appreciation Day’s Monthly Meetups to increase our impact with forward thinking people with new and fresh ideas.

If you would like to see one of the TweetMeet’s organisers on camera, check out the 2nd session of our 2nd annual Connected Educator Appreciation Day session on Enquiry and Collaboration. We at CEduAD hope to have more TweetMeet hosts on our upcoming Connected Educator Monthly Meetups (CEMM). 





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